
B07: Disruptions to college activities


Policy #: B07
Responsible authority: Business Operations
Approval authority: Canadian Police College Executive Director
Approval date: Fall 2015


The Canadian Police College (CPC) recognizes that there may be circumstances beyond its control that interrupt regular operations at the CPC. This may include, but is not limited to, strikes, lockouts, demonstrations, disasters, and pandemics. The CPC will take every reasonable measure to remain open and, when closure is unavoidable, to reopen as soon as possible.


  1. In the event of a disruption, the primary obligation of the CPC is to ensure the safety of participants and staff members while at the same time respecting the academic integrity of all courses.

Procedures, roles and responsibilities

  1. The decision for reduction of services or closure of the CPC is delegated by the Director General to the Director of Business Operations.
  2. The Director of Business Operations will collaborate with appropriate NHQ authorities and direct Communications to inform and update the college community and relevant external bodies about the disruption.
  3. The Director of Business Operations will convey the decision for reduction in service or closure to:
    • The Registrar; and,
    • The Program Delivery IC of the Police Sciences School.
  4. The Program Delivery IC is responsible for notifying the faculty heads.
  5. Faculty heads are responsible for notifying the appropriate course coordinators.
  6. Course coordinators are responsible for notifying affected students.
  7. When it is considered appropriate to restore service to normal levels or reopen the college, the same communications process outlined for reduction in service or closure will be followed.

Related directives

Changes to original registration – R03

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